Description of Project: | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign parking decks C7 & C10 are multi-story, concrete and brick structures constructed in 1970. UIUC desires to undertake structural rehabilitation of these decks to insure efficient and safe use of these structures for an additional 20+ years. Additionally, UIUC wishes to make improvements to both structures. The subject improvements will include exterior masonry skin repair, signage/lighting upgrades, safety upgrades to the stair towers, installation of windows in the stair towers, addition of water service for cleaning purposes and surface membrane replacements. Furthermore, UIUC desires a rear (south façade) exit be incorporated into parking deck C7.; Prior to UIUC conducting the rehabilitation of parking decks C7 & C10, it will be necessary to undertake a feasibility study which will contextually and graphically present the following data:; 1. Structural and exterior skin assessment identifying deficient, damaged and deteriorated areas.; 2. Assessment of signage, lighting, stair tower safety and traffic membrane deficiencies.; 3. Identify most appropriate location and techniques for incorporating stair tower windows and ; water service in C7 & C10 and a rear exit in deck C7. ; 4. Recommendations for physical improvements and upgrades to correct identified faults and ; deficiencies.; 5. Project budget to achieve recommended improvements and upgrades. ; Subject to the availability of funds, the selected engineer will be employed for the remaining phases of the project. |